Marketing and PR



Faced by intense local competition and a culture far removed from your own, it is not enough to replicate marketing strategies that have worked for you so far and hope for the best. By underestimating the challenge, companies fail to get their brand out there and underperform in Japan relative to other markets: regardless of how good your product or service may be, failure to reach the right customers in the right way results in sluggish growth. Building from our familiarity with the nuances of language and culture, OPTI will help you adjust and standardize your marketing approach to broadcast a compelling message to your target demographic.



  • Understanding of Japanese customers. Through our insights into how Japanese customers think and what they look for, we can help you localise your marketing strategy beyond simple adjustments.
  • Experience in multiple industries. Regardless of the nature of your product or service, you can rely on us to make you stand out among competition and secure market share.
  • Linguistic and cultural expertise. We provide accurate, yet flexible translation of your marketing material, allowing customers to understand what your business means for them.
  • Online strategy development. Shielded by our knowledge of commercial laws and regulations, rest assured that your marketing approach will meet all the right legal guidelines.
  • Ongoing support and adaptability. Markets are never static. Consumer preferences change, and so must businesses who want to sustain growth. We provide continuous market intelligence, responding to customer feedback and broader changes alike.
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Marketing strategy   

An effective marketing campaign in Japan involves much more than a word-by-word translation of your existing materials. In order to build the presence of your brand in a new market, attention must be paid to everything from design and colour schemes, to tone and messaging style. If you are new to Japan, getting branding right from the start will deliver momentum and customer trust. And if you are established but struggling to capture market share, optimising your strategy may be the key to the progress you wish to unlock.

At OPTI, we strive to ease the challenges faced by companies who want to keep the essence of their message intact and be understood by a new audience at the same time. Our services and promises include:

    • Market research. We will analyze existing competition and give advice on how your brand can stand out among similar companies
  • Customer identification and analysis Finding the right customers for your business in Japan should never be neglected. By pinpointing a thriving customer base, researching their needs and identifying purchasing patterns, we can build your subsequent approach in accordance with our findings.
  • Marketing strategy. We will help you tailor your brand in such a way that resonates with the right customer base, making adjustments for cultural differences while keeping what you stand for as a company intact.
  • Focus on customer loyalty. Acquiring a loyal customer base creates an ongoing source of revenue and reinforces a company’s reputation. By focusing on delivery and accommodation to the specific, often demanding standards of Japanese customers, we can take your business from a startup to an established player.
  • Flexibility and improvement. Our aim is to build a strategy that works in the long run, one that evolves with the market and responds to customer feedback. Gathering qualitative and quantitative data, we will measure what works and what falls short of expectations, bringing in changes whenever the need arises.
  • Pricing strategy development. Simply converting prices from one currency to another is not enough. By taking into account competition and how prices impact the behaviour of your customers, we can help you avoid a mistake many businesses make.
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Online marketing, web design and translation

The internet creates plentiful opportunities for brands wishing to reach their customers quickly and at a minimal cost. Given the country’s level of technological development, Japanese customers are particularly inclined to shop online, use social media platforms and be exposed to online marketing. Whether used as a sales channel or a means of advertising your product or service, creating an online platform can be a critical step of your brand’s growth in Japan. From providing translation services to technical assistance, we can ensure your digital strategy aligns with the broader goals of your business and delivers a faultless customer experience.


Trade shows and seminars

Trade shows allow brands to gain publicity for their products and services, meet customers and competitors, and detect trends in the industry as a whole. At OPTI, we can support you at trade shows and seminars to make sure you get the most out of each opportunity to promote your brand.

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us.
