EORI number is an abbreviation for Economic Operators Registration and Identification and it is called a business registration / identification (EORI) system.
EORI number consists of a country code of two letters of the alphabet and followed by 14 or 15 numbers and digits. The EORI number acquired in one member country will also be valid in other member countries. The introduction of EORI number makes it easier for companies to identify and customs clearance between customs authorities, so it is possible to reduce the burden on the business operator and to process the procedures promptly and smoothly.
Businesses within the EU must acquire the EORI number at the member domestic customs authorities they are planning to do business with. Also, for businesses outside the EU, if you apply for tariff declaration, AEO application, simplification duty procedure within the EU, you need to obtain the same number at the customs authorities of the member countries that will first process . Basically, businesses must apply for EORI number before starting business. The EORI number will be the enterprise number common to all EU registered with customs.
We are asking companies that import goods into the EU to acquire them all. Because the acquisition of EORI number has various tax benefits.
In addition, we also acquire the EORI number.
Address: 4th Floor, Ogawa Bldg.,
1-2-2 Uchikanda,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0047
Tel: +81-50-1790-8995