Seller with Import JCTs
Seller with JCT invoices
OPTI can assist clients with knowledge about businesses in Japan and abroad when the following applies:
Non-resident companies having (or will have) taxable sales and import JCTs or
Non-resident companies having (or will have) taxable sales and JCT invoices from Japanese companies
Companies wishing to receive a JCT refund to reduce expenses
Companies having no party to support on JCT
Companies hoping to outsource cumbersome tasks to a local company
OPTI simplifies the processes necessary for a tax return with a refund. This helps our partner Tax Accountant review and calculate your transactions smoothly.
OPTI can support your tax receipts even though the Japanese tax authorities do not transfer a refund overseas.
In the case of a refund, the tax authorities often ask questions regarding the transactions and request for document submissions. In such cases, OPTI, together with our partner Tax Accountants, communicate with them on your behalf and instruct you to send questions and submit documents, etc.
(*) This service may incur additional fees.
In order to get a JCT refund, sometime it will take time depending on the volume and complexity of the business, etc. Please let us know before if there is any refund case.
The JCT is imposed on i) transfers of assets and ii) provisions of business services, conducted within Japan by enterprises for a consideration and goods imported from foreign countries at the time of their import. Such a tax is borne by consumers and paid by enterprises.
The standard JCT rate was hiked from 8% to 10%, and the reduced tax rate system was introduced on October 1, 2019. This resulted in the introduction of multiple tax rates. For instance, the 8% tax rate is applied to transfers of foods and beverages excluding alcohol and restaurant food.
A JCT may be refundable when the amount of JCT on the taxable purchases is more than the amount of JCT on the taxable sales. But, the decision is left to the tax authorities.
It is required to register as a Consumption Taxpayer beforehand, and OPTI can assist you. As a result of a tax return, you may receive a refund, and OPTI can assist you with our partner Tax Accountant.
We give no guarantee of the legality and accuracy of the information about the matters stated in this site. The stated information is obtained from reliable sources, but we are not responsible for consequences stemming from use of the information such as mistakes or a lack of complete information.
OPTI is not a Japan's certified tax accountant. OPTI use such certified tax accountant for support your firm for JCT support for your business.
Address: 4th Floor, Ogawa Bldg.,
1-2-2 Uchikanda,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0047
Tel: +81-50-1790-8995