E-commerce seller
Digital goods seller
OPTI can assist clients with knowledge about businesses in Japan and abroad when the following applies:
Non-resident companies who engaged in or intend to engage in E-commerce or digital goods sales in Japan
Companies having no party to support on JCT
Companies wishing to outsource cumbersome tasks to a local company
Companies value compliance
OPTI provides support for not only Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) matters as a Tax Agent but also customs matters as an Attorney for Customs Procedures (ACP).
Therefore, we can serve as your one-stop solution.
OPTI can support your tax payments even though the Japanese tax authorities do not usually accept payments from abroad.
Though OPTI itself does not directly provide tax opinions, OPTI can arrange to provide an opinion letter through a Tax Lawyer or Certified Tax Accountant.
(*) This service will incur additional fees, so please bear this in your mind when you send your inquiry.
The JCT is imposed on i) transfers of assets and ii) provisions of business services, conducted within Japan by enterprises for a consideration and goods imported from foreign countries at the time of their import. Such a tax is borne by consumers and paid by enterprises.
The standard JCT rate was hiked from 8% to 10%, and the reduced tax rate system was introduced on October 1, 2019. This resulted in the introduction of multiple tax rates. For instance, the 8% tax rate is applied to transfers of foods and beverages excluding alcohol and restaurant food.
The Tax Agent is a Japanese company or individual performing clerical work mainly on tax payments and communications with the tax authorities for non-resident businesses operating taxable activities in Japan who are required to file a tax return and pay a tax. Such businesses are required to appoint a Tax Agent, and OPTI can be a Tax Agent.
A company becomes a Consumption Taxpayer when its Taxable Sales exceed 10 million yen in the Base Period. A Consumption Taxpayer is required to complete JCT registration and start filing a tax return.
The Qualified Invoice System (QIS) will be introduced on 1 October 2023, and only Qualified Invoice Issuers will be able to issue an invoice with its "registration number" for the customer to fully deduct the tax on the purchase. A company becomes a Qualified Invoice Issuer by mandatorily or voluntarily becoming a Consumption Taxpayer and complete QIS registration.
Your sales opportunities and credibility may increase by completing QIS registration and becoming a Qualified Invoice Issuer (QII). In other words, you may lose your sales opportunities and credibility otherwise. That is especially critical for Amazon sellers. Stores of QIIs are said to be ranked higher on Amazon. Besides, Amazon is said to only badge QIIs and complement a feature to search for only products sold by QIIs.
An Attorney for Customs Procedures (ACP) handle customs-related procedures, such as communicating with the customs office, communicating with our partner customs broker, storing & managing import-related documents. From 1 October 2023, it will be mandatory for a non-resident company to appoint an ACP in order to import goods to Japan, and OPTI can be an ACP.
Japanese consumption tax registration flow
A1. We offer different services: i) JCT registration, ii) Acting as your Tax Agent, iii) Support for annual tax return with our partner Tax Accountant, iv) Treasury service (tax payment support), and v) Additional services. The fee depends on the size of the transactions made in Japan, the necessary full-time equivalent, etc. Please fill out the inquiry form so that we can review it and send you a proposal if applicable.
We give no guarantee of the legality and accuracy of the information about the matters stated in this site. The stated information is obtained from reliable sources, but we are not responsible for consequences stemming from use of the information such as mistakes or a lack of complete information.
Address: 4th Floor, Ogawa Bldg.,
1-2-2 Uchikanda,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0047
Tel: +81-50-1790-8995